Directed by Kirby Dick

The crux of this film, as was stated in the pre-film introduction by a former professor at the University of Delaware, is whether the outing of gay politicians by other gays should be considered gay-bashing in the homosexual community. Should politicians who support legislation that is "harmful" to the gay community be outed if they are hidden deep in the closet?
Although the film does detail the story of the outing of Democrats Ed Koch and Jim McGreevey, the huge focus is on the Republican party. Granted, it's the conservatives that are more likely to vote against gay-friendly legislation, but it certainly comes off as more anti-conservative than anti-liberal (This was most evident to me in a completely unnecessary scene towards the end of the film that throws in tales of multiple gay teens who were killed...the only reason this segment is in the movie is to drum up sympathy and it made me angry). Still, even the Republican writing this must admit that there's something innately hypocritical about gay politicians constantly voting "no" on gay legislation.
Yes, the film criticizes my political leanings, but I'm the first to admit that the Republican party isn't perfect (although we're certainly more perfect than those nutjob liberals). It angers me when the Republicans team up with the Religious Right and allow religion to rule over everything. Have some balls, folks! Heck, I'm a religious guy, but isn't a staple of all religions some tenant of kindness? No need to be nasty against people that are "different" from you. I may not be pro-gay marriage, but I'm not gonna be nasty about it (note that I'm for legal unions for homosexuals, but not for the use of the term "marriage"...but enough about my political leanings...there's nothing like discussing politics to make people hate I'm gonna stop).
The film, as a whole, moves along at a fairly quick pace. It doesn't really drag and it looks pretty good onscreen. Yes, it's evident that it's pushing an issue/side (and those interviews with the gay Log Cabin Republicans don't fool me into thinking it's really even-keeled), but it was surprisingly decent even if it didn't really bring anything new to the table.
The RyMickey Rating: B
Worst. Review. Ever.
ReplyDeleteMa'am, you have to let go of your own political viewpoints to get the effect of what the filmmakers were trying to say. You couldn't do that and proved you do not know how to properly review a film.
I happen to agree with the anon 10:35.
ReplyDelete"...although we're certainly more perfect than those nutjob liberals)."
You showed your bias in the review. Your mind was made up before the film started. So your review remains pointless & useless.
Um...I did let go of my political viewpoints and even criticize my fellow Republicans in my review. So, I don't quite see the bias, especially considering that I liked this movie...
ReplyDeletewell i for one am certainly glad you spent the time reading it all if it was pointless and useless. that's a few minutes of your life you'll never get back. Thank God.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad these don't understand the sarcasm intended behind 'those nutjob liberals' and how you are ascribing it to/poking at thomas (and/or me).
ReplyDeleteahhh. a (slight?) tragedy of public yet specific material.
"No need to be nasty against people that are "different" from you."
Aside: your review wasn't pointless nor was it useless (for everyone).
Actually, I wasn't ascribing the "nutjob liberal" comment to you or Thomas...
ReplyDelete...but if the shoe fits...
I have a feeling it does.