Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Mickey Rourke, Kim Basinger, and Winona Ryder
Written by Bret Easton Ellis and Nicholas Jarecki
Directed by Gregor Jordan

This one will be short.
A bunch of interweaving storylines that have precarious connections at best about pretentious assholes that live in L.A. in 1983, doing drugs...and each other (I must admit, the "pretentious assholes" was mine, but I stole the "doing drugs...and each other" from imdb).
Awful movie with awful acting across the board (poor Brad Renfro who killed himself shortly after filming this was the worst of the bunch by far). Not a single reason to care about anyone. Sure there were lots of boobs, but at some point, that's not enough.
The RyMickey Rating: F
FYI...Because I care about all my readers...
In case you didn't know, according to what happens in this film, you can seemingly not have any symptoms of AIDS, but then develop purple splotches and die within in a week. Be careful out there, folks!
It was brought to my attention tonight that Brad Renfro was in this. And I'm devastated that I wasn't able to view it. booo
ReplyDeleteYou're a Renfro fan?
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case, be tremendously happy you didn't watch it.
He was AWFUL...poor guy...
He was awful in everything. But I was at my most tremendously happiest when watching his films.
ReplyDeleteThis may be slightly exaggerated.
Did Thomas grunt throughout the movie, and sigh loudly?
ReplyDeleteOr was that special for I Sell the Dead...
No loud sighing either...
ReplyDeleteHe honestly gave up on this one about halfway through...
All I can say is if there were people in that theater with us, it would've been an awful movie-going experience simply because we wouldn't have been able to talk back to the screen. It was pretentious shlock and it needed to be called out...even if it was just two nobodies calling it out in a theater in Delaware.
Note: With this film, I've seen 10 movies released this it's now an official Top Ten in the sidebar.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I gave an 'F' to #10...