Please join me for an occasional series that will showcase the fact that I am becoming a crotchety old man as I head into my (God help me) late twenties (head into?...I'm already there...).
So, I'm driving down the road at 10:30 last night and an SUV pulls out in front of me. Now, I had plenty of time to slow down, but it was obvious that he shouldn't have pulled out in front of me...there wasn't enough time for him to comfortably speed up. Alright, but, whatever...road rage is not something this old man really experiences.
I notice that he's got those two tv screens in his SUV. Now, whenever I see those tv screens in the car, I always try to pull up close to them and see if I can figure out what they are watching that's so exciting that they can't get from Point A to Point B without watching a television in their car (in the olden days, people would drive 16 hours to Florida with only activity books that came with those nifty "magic pens" that made stuff appear on the page and music tapes of Raffi and they'd have a good time doing it, dagnammit!). Now, up until this point, I had only seen these tv's so that they could be viewed by those in the backseat.
But, I pull up close to this guy and the tv screens are on the damn visors of the driver's and passenger's seat. The front seats! This guy's driving down the road with his visor down watching a frickin' video?
Driving...and watching tv at the same time!
Okay, well, (A) that's not exactly the safest thing to do, and (B) you really couldn't live without tv for ten minutes? I mean when this guy pulled out in front of me, he was coming out of some neighborhood, and when I passed him, he was going into some neighborhood only three minutes down the road. For those mere minutes, you had to have your tv turned on?
I can't imagine this is legal. Is it? A tv on your frickin' car visor? I mean, really, isn't that just an accident waiting to happen?
...And that's why I'm becoming an angry old man...
That movie is frickin' hilarious. They ran it on Cartoon Network on April Fool's Day, albeit in an edited version.
ReplyDeleteI was ticked off because I wanted to watch King of the Hill and this thing was on...I didn't watch the whole thing (it was really, really awful), but what I did watch was quite funny.
I don't think getting annoyed by stupid drivers makes you an old man, because clearly, a lot of us could be considered old, including me!
ReplyDeleteAmanda -
ReplyDeleteIt's simply the start down the road of crankiness...it's coming...and who am I to stop it...
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
I thought for sure when I saw '7 comments' that some were going to be "strangers" who had, by way of searching for either a.) 'crotchety old men/man,' b.) 'TVs in visors' or, c) the ever elusive combo of 'crotchety old men and their experiences with TVs in visors,' found their way onto your blog.
ReplyDeleteI thought it could be this month's triscuit.
-Non-stranger number five
Seriously...cracking up with that last comment..."this month's triscuit"...Hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, Justin, one would think making fun of Pimp My Ride would be outdated, but it is definitely not...still funny...
So did we solve the mystery of the showtunes? I think that you both should sing disney songs for us one night and we can compare them to musical tunes and make a decision.
ReplyDeleteAmanda -
ReplyDeleteYes, showtune mystery is solved...According to wikipedia, showtunes are directly related to Broadway musicals and do not pertain to movie music.
I win...although, I posted on Thomas's blog that this win does not necessarily help prove my manliness...
If he was watching a Disney movie would you be ok with it? :) I love reading your blog! I always get good laughs!
ReplyDeleteBecky -
ReplyDeleteFirst off, Happy early Birthday! Are you a cranky old woman yet? I mean, you are the old lady of our high school group... ;)
Second, thanks for reading. (By the way, I keep looking for you and Mia every time I step foot into Super G...)
Third, no...a Disney movie would not have made a difference, and, in fact, it probably would've been worse as the quality of a Disney movie would've been far superior to any other movie he may have been watching, and because of the superiority, there's no way he would've been able to pay attention to the road.
Jeff -
ReplyDeleteI have been a cranky old woman for years now! :) Birthday was good, Dan and I got to get out with out Mia which was nice! I look for you every time we go there too! We don't go as much, Mia is a little bit harder to handle so we tend to stay at home alot!
Becky -
ReplyDeleteYou're into the terrible two's with Mia now, right? I always thought it was really just a saying, but I guess it rings true.
Jeff- It was like over night she got this stubborn attitude. I have no idea where she got that from! :)