Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Year in Movies

Five away from 200 -- I'll be hitting 200 by Sunday's Oscar telecast (hopefully). You know, overall, these are better numbers than I thought in terms of "good" movies. I'm pleasantly surprised.

5/5 or A *** 1/195 = 0.51%
Fantastic Mr. Fox

4.5/5 or A-*** 4/195 = 2.05%

3.5/5 or B or B- *** 17/195 = 8.72%

2.5/5 or C *** 24/195 = 12.31%

2/5 or C- *** 15/195 = 7.69%

1.5/5 or D+ *** 25/195 = 12.82%

1/5 or D *** 34/195 = 17.44%

0/5 or F *** 12/195 = 6.12%

I would say that anything 3/5 or above would be something that I would recommend people to see. Therefore, based on the above ratings, I would say that of the movies I've seen, I would say that 60 movies -- or 30.06% -- would be worth your watching. Once again, if I'm being really honest, most of those movies in the '2.5/5' section are worth your watching, too, but since I consider them only average, I figured I should only "recommend" things that are above average. If you include the 2.5's that percentage jumps to 42.84%.

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