Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The 2009 RyMickey Awards - Worst Performance

Continuing on with the 2009 Awards...

Five Worst Performances of 2009

Susan Sarandon, The Lovely Bones
Malin Ackerman, Watchmen

Dennis Quaid, GI Joe

#5 - Kristen Stewart - Twilight Saga: New Moon
Lip biting as a stand-in for any type of emotion aside, K-Stew is so dreadfully boring onscreen (her role in Adventureland wasn't much better). I'm sure her co-star Mr. Pattinson could've taken her place if he'd had a larger role, but this was Kristen's movie to trash.

#4 - Rose Byrne - Knowing
I actually thought Knowing was a decent cheesy sci-fi flick, but Rose Byrne (who I really like on the tv show Damages and who was quite good in 2009's Adam) was horrifically bad in this. It felt like she was nonstop screechy yelling and -- SPOILER ALERT -- her death was a welcome relief. If only it came before the final reel.

#3 - Ali Larter - Obsessed
Ali Larter's awful acting is one of the reasons I stopped watching the tv show Heroes. She hasn't improved since then as her role as a bitchy psycho in this is painful to watch.

#2 - Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson: This Is It

- No Picture as MJ is too damn frightening to look at. -

Poor Michael Jackson. He was certainly not up to putting on this massive concert before his death. He's really just pathetic in this -- "weak pathetic" moreso than "pitiful pathetic." This is MJ at his worst, rather than his best.

#1 - Charlene Yi - Paper Heart
Just seeing that image above conjures up painful memories of an awful film, written by and starring the insanely annoying Yi. My review sums it up:
I hated every single moment that her unattractive face invaded my line of vision (yes, that's mean, but tough shit...I actually paid for your movie, so I'm gonna make fun). I went blind earlier this year for a few seconds (remember?) and I don't want to waste my precious vision on watching anything as awful as her mopey, quirky, weird, odd facial expressions. Sight is a wonderful sense that I'd like to keep, but were I to watch this again, someone would have to bring on the hot pokers and burn my corneas.


  1. You saw Adam?!

  2. Yep...scroll down for a review...

    It is on dvd, you know...and it's worth a rental.
