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Letterboxd Reviews

So as you know, I stopped writing lengthy reviews on this site this year, keeping the blog as more of a film diary of sorts.  Lo and behold,...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Movie Review - My Bloody Valentine (2009)

**Available on DVD**
Starring Jensen Ackles, Jaime King, and Kerr Smith

Written by Todd Farmer and Zane Smith
Directed by Patrick Lussier

This movie actually got some good reviews from fan sites when it was released and, for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Watching it on dvd, I obviously "miss out" of the gimmicky 3D effects, but I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have helped this corny plot.

We've got a bad guy who is seemingly indestructible who is constantly popping up behind people in order to perfectly hack away at his victims with a huge pick axe (he's got near perfect aim, too...always being able to stab right into someone's eyes or mouth or cranium). Said vicitms are idiots, doing the typical horror movie idiotic cliché crap.

All the acting is poor and laughable and the plot is incredibly simple (that's not necessarily a bad thing, but there was really nothing going on here except a guy chasing around people). Overall, not the worst horror movie I've seen, but totally not worth your time.

The RyMickey Rating: D

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