Monday, October 12, 2009

A Year in Movies

Nearly 150 movies so far this year...

5/5 *** 0/144 = 0%

4.5/5 *** 3/144 = 2.08%

4/5 *** 10/144 = 6.94%
3.5/5 *** 13/144 = 9.03%

2.5/5 *** 18/144 = 12.50%

2/5 *** 11/144 = 7.64%

1.5/5 *** 21/144 = 14.58%

1/5 *** 24/144 = 16.67%

0/5 *** 11/144 = 7.64%

I would say that anything 3/5 or above would be something that I would recommend people to see. Therefore, based on the above ratings, I would say that of the movies I've seen, I would say that 39 movies -- or 27.08% -- would be worth your watching. Once again, if I'm being really honest, most of those movies in the '2.5/5' section are worth your watching, too, but since I consider them only average, I figured I should only "recommend" things that are above average. If you include the 2.5's that percentage jumps to nearly 40%.


  1. You do realize that this is an insane amount of movies to watch in a year. Also, what happened to thomas's blog, he disappeared.

  2. He's getting back into the swing of things...

    He's got a nice gal that he's been hanging out with, but he's picking it back up...he got so far behind, but he's catching back up...I keep telling him that there are people that enjoy reading his witty retorts...

    And if you think my number's insane, Thomas's is more crazy...and Oscar season hasn't even hit yet...
