The Ward (2011)
Starring Amber Heard
Directed by John Carpenter
Having essentially gone direct-to-dvd after a few showings at scattered film festivals and a brief release in NYC, John Carpenter's The Ward isn't really worth my time to write a review. Despite one or two "jump moments" this horror flick about a girl named Kristen who finds herself admitted to a mental hospital in the 1960s doesn't really have a thing going for it. Amber Heard as the headstrong Kristen is adamant that there's nothing wrong with her and she'll do whatever it takes to get her and her fellow patients out of the psych ward. Somewhere along the line, ghosts pop up, her psychiatrists act odd, and people start to go missing...but there's not a single unique thing in this movie. The performances are lackluster and the production values look like they were made on the cheap (and they probably were, but that's not an excuse).
The RyMickey Rating: D
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