Monday, August 24, 2009

A Year in Movies

90 movies so far this summer movie quest is almost done and, admittedly, this "see every movie" thing probably isn't gonna continue. That being said, I'm still planning on watching a bunch of good and bad stuff in the fall...but I'm not committing to everything.

Nevertheless, take a look at the long list below with a little bit of analysis at the end.

5/5 *** 0/90 = 0%

4.5/5 *** 2/90 = 2.22%

4/5 *** 5/90 = 5.56%
3.5/5 *** 10/90 = 11.11%

3/5 *** 7/90 = 7.78%
2.5/5 *** 12/90 = 13.33%

2/5 *** 7/90 = 7.78%

1.5/5 *** 12/90 = 13.33%

1/5 *** 14/90 = 15.56%

0.5/5 *** 12/90 = 13.33%
The Time Traveler's Wife

0/5 *** 9/90 = 10.00%

I would say that anything 3/5 or above would be something that I would recommend people to see. Therefore, based on the above ratings, I would say that of the movies I've seen, I would say that 24 movies -- or 26.67% -- would be worth your watching. Once again, if I'm being really honest, most of those movies in the '2.5/5' section are worth your watching, too, but since I consider them only average, I figured I should only "recommend" things that are above average. If you include the 2.5's that percentage jumps to 40%.

Honestly, that's not all that bad considering I've watched EVERYTHING that came out this summer.


  1. way to have an original idea and use the same system that your friend is using. your switch to the new grading process is pointless and you shouldn't have done it.

  2. You're the second person that said this...I did it as a basis of comparison...I saved all the letter grades and may go back at the end of the year.

    I like the letter grades better myself, but for the sake of comparison, I'm switching to this for the time being. Hell, if I'm watching everything and the one other person I know is watching everything, why not be able to compare?

    Lord knows Thomas and I have our disagreements...just had another "argument" about Bruno of all things mere minutes ago...but it'll be nice to compare our ratings at the end of the year...

    And then maybe it's back to the letter grades...
