Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The 2012 RyMickey Awards - Most Overrated Films of the Year

Another new category this year (I'm eliminating Best Poster as I feel that category keeps getting weaker and weaker every year), here are some of the films that were praised by many, but overhyped in my opinion.  That's not to say they were necessarily bad (the RyMickey Ratings for each will be listed below), but they just weren't my cup of tea overall.

Most Overrated Films of 2012

#10 - The Hunger Games -- B-
The Hunger Games isn't bad by any means, but after the heinousness of The Twilight Saga anything remotely good would've felt like a Shakespeare Merchant Ivory picture.

#9 - Chronicle - C-
I watched this on a plane home from France and maybe it just wasn't an opportune time/place to watch a movie.  Nonetheless, this one just didn't click with me like it clicked with many.

#8 - Pitch Perfect - C
A poor man's Bring It On.

#7 - Ted - C+
Like Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane is funny in spurts...but not for a feature film's length.

A fairly huge hit (considering the stars), this is a flick that I think I needed another three decades on me before I could even remotely think about enjoying it.  The fact that it was in the running for any Oscars boggles my mind (it fortunately came away with no nominations).

#5 - Moonrise Kingdom -- B-
I overrated this one as I kind of regretted the 'B-' a month after I gave it that rating.  Just a bit too quirky and too drawn out (despite its short length).

#4 - Zero Dark Thirty -- B-
The Hurt Locker was a fantastic war film.  This lacked punch which I guess some would say was the point -- it was more of a docudrama than a typical movie.  Nonetheless, just didn't get the hype for this one, the first of three Best Picture nominees on this list.

#3 - Beasts of the Southern Wild - C
To be blunt, I just didn't understand what was going on here.  I thought everything about this movie -- the writing, the direction, the acting (little Quevenzhané Wallis will not be appearing on Best Younger Actor/Actress List this year) -- was overpraised.

#2 - Silver Linings Playbook -- C+
Silver Linings Playbook is a perfectly acceptable film, but it's a film in search of what it truly wants to be.  The first half plays like a heavy drama and the second slips into sitcom territory.  That isn't to say it's bad -- in fact, it will likely pop up in a few other categories this year -- but the heaps of praise weren't deserved.

#1 - The Avengers -- C+
I was in France when The Avengers had its record-breaking debut and maybe the hype killed its chances at ever being enjoyable for me.  I will admit that superhero movies just aren't my cup of tea, but this felt busy and overly long and had a main performance from Robert Downey, Jr., that I just didn't like at all.  And with that, let the hatred begin to spew.


  1. I disagree with most of these!

    Pretty much all the movie on this list actually.

    But I was on deployment when they came out so I have no perspective of hype.

    But I really liked Moonrise Kingdom! Like I'd put it second of his movies after Fantastic Mr Fox.

  2. I meant "Pretty much all the movie that I've actually seen on this list actually"

  3. For some of these, it's not that I didn't like them, I just didn't think the praise they received was warranted. As an example, Zero Dark Thirty isn't a bad film by any means, but I don't think I'd have nominated it for much of anything this year (and I'll be surprised if it ends up on any RyMickey Award shortlists other than this one).

    Moonrise Kingdom faded REALLY quick for me. Almost as soon as I wrote my 'B-' review I regretted the rating. It was too cutesy or something...

  4. a poor man's Bring It On

    never thought I'd ever read that sentence.

  5. I liked Bring It On...the question is would I like it now ten years later or was it just one of those "in the moment" things...

  6. I've seen it within the last two years or so. I think it holds up. Especially when I think of the films that I've seen Kirsten Dunst in since Bring It On. All Good Things. Crazy Beautiful. Marie Antoinette...
    Wimbledon was surprisingly okay.
