Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Movie Review - The Bleeding House

The Bleeding House (2011)
Starring Alexandra Chando and Patrick Breen
Directed by Philip Gelatt
***This film is currently streaming on Netflix***

Way back in 2009, I saw a horrible horror movie at the Newark Film Festival.  Filled with talky nonsense, gratuitous blood, and some of the worst acting I'd ever seen, I was hoping that I'd never see another film that stooped to its equivalent cinematic low.  While The Bleeding House doesn't quite reach that level, it comes awfully close.  Perhaps what's even worse is that screenwriter-director Philip Gelatt managed to get the Tribeca Film Festival and American Express to produce this simply awful piece of work which felt like some very poorly crafted student project.

There's no point in even bothering with a lengthy summary here except to say that a southern stranger who appears to be gentlemanly enters the home of a family that harbors some dark secrets and ends up wreaking havoc on them.  The stranger incessantly rambles about God and faith while torturing his victims and nothing he says makes a modicum of sense.

Ugh.  The whole thing was really painful.  The acting "talent" is simply awful.  Granted, they're given horrible dialog to spout and unbelievable actions to carry out courtesy of their director, but they still aren't of any high caliber.  Unfortunately, despite the painfulness of the flick, it doesn't ever reach levels of "so bad, it's good."  It's just all bad.

The RyMickey Rating:  F

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