Sunday, January 09, 2011

Movie Review - Incendiary

Incendiary (2009)
Starring Michelle Williams, Ewan McGregor, and Matthew MacFadyen
Directed by Sharon Maguire
***This film is currently streaming on Netflix***

When a group of suicide bombers set off an explosion at a British football (AKA soccer) match, over a thousand people are killed, including a mother's son and husband.  The mother (who remains oddly nameless throughout the film), played by Michelle Williams, happens to be having sex with another man (Ewan McGregor) at the time of the explosion so, of course, that simply compounds her guilt even more.  

Ugh...the plot Incendiary reeks of a really serious Lifetime movie and despite a pleasant turn from Michelle Williams, there really isn't much to even discuss here.  The film was little seen and barely released in US theaters in 2009 and it'll remain little seen for all eternity.  I'm all for exploring the aftershocks of 9/11 in film -- United 93 was absolutely riveting and emotionally draining (although I do feel it was an important film to be made in order to depict our country's recent history).  Incendiary, however, attempts to go for the emotional gut punch, but never even comes close to achieving it.

The RyMickey Rating:  D