Saturday, January 08, 2011

Movie Review - Case 39

Case 39 (2010)
Starring Renee Zellweger, Bradley Cooper, Ian McShane, and Jodelle Ferland
Directed by Christian Alvart

There's a reason Case 39 was on the shelf for years.  Overly long, poorly acted, and simply a retread of every other evil kid movie that's already been released.

Renee Zellweger is social worker Emily Jenkins who is already bogged down with thirty-eight cases.  Guess what?  Case 39 is gonna be a doozy!  After meeting the parents of young Lilith (Jodelle Ferland), Emily suspects that the parents may not be capable of caring for the ten-year old, but it isn't until after the parents attempt to kill Lilith that she gains any traction with the people in her government department.  Emily takes Lilith in so that the youth can avoid going into foster care and Emily soon discovers that Lilith may not be the innocent girl she portrays herself to be.

Unfortunately, while there are some interesting scenes (including an exciting one featuring Bradley Cooper and some hornets which, despite featuring poor special effects, had me on the edge of my seat), the film doesn't work at all.  A mix of The Omen and The Ring, Case 39 goes on for way too long, treading water and not going anywhere.  It certainly isn't helped that chipmunk-cheeked Renee Zellweger (she of the school of "Squinty Eyed Acting") is lifeless onscreen and her counterpart Jodelle Ferland lacks the needed pizzazz to carry the role of the devil child.

The RyMickey Rating:  D

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