Friday, July 01, 2022

Man vs. Bee

 Man vs. Bee (2022)
Starring Rowan Atkinson
Directed by David Kerr
Written by William Davies

As some have mentioned on here, I don't quite understand why they went the "series" route on this as opposed to the "movie" route.  With short ten minute entries, this is obviously incredibly easy to binge and despite the repetitive nature of Man Vs Bee, I still kept clicking that "next episode" button to find out what slapsticky moment was going to happen next.

What helps this have a little more impact than a man chasing a bee around for ninety minutes is the fact that despite being a massive fool for doing what he does, Rowan Atkinson's Trevor garners sympathy thanks to the script's peppering in moments he has with his ex-wife and daughter.  While we get his motivation for taking this house-sitting job at the center of the film, it does take a suspension of disbelief to even begin to imagine that a man would go this nutso attempting to catch a bee.  

Still, I laughed a few times and, despite my qualms about this not being a movie, I do wonder if this would've proven too tedious as a film.  As a "tv show," I can look at this and say each episode has its own crazy scenario.  As a movie I might've rolled my eyes at the crazy scenarios that kept coming every ten minutes.  Overall, a cute throwaway that you could watch with your 8-10 year olds who may get a kick out of the slapstick.

The RyMickey Rating:  B-

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