Monday, February 12, 2018

The End of an Era, Part II

And with that final Best Picture posting in the 2016 RyMickey Awards, RyMickey's Ramblings as I currently know it comes to a close.  As posted back in September, Hollywood's politicization of everything -- and their insistence that they are correct and those against them are wrong -- has disenchanted me so much that I've grown a bit weary with their output.  As the Weinstein/Spacey scandals have shown us, Hollywood is not the place where integrity run rampant, yet their desire to push their agenda on the public never ceases.

That said, the entertainment industry is something that I've always been passionate about and I'll continue creating mini-posts in a more journal-type (read: abbreviated) layout.  The RyMickey Awards will at least be going on a hiatus for one year and may not return...we'll see.

I was constantly pushing myself to see as many movies as possible in a given year and the time spent on utter crap was just not time well spent.  Instead of constantly feeling the need to see current movies, I hope this change in course will permit me to explore older films again, similar to the Hitchcock Fest I ran a few years ago which was honestly one of my favorite things I did on the blog here.  Who knows...maybe I'll even attempt for a third time to make it through all the Disney animated features.  We'll see.

For the very few of you who continued to read this blog, I appreciate it.  I think the number of viewers has dwindled, but I hope that for those who still pop in every now and then I maybe opened your eyes to a few movies that you may not have seen otherwise.  As I said, I'll be continuing things in a much more trimmed down manner so I won't be going away completely.

Thanks for reading and keep visiting every so often.


  1. I am always reading!--and to prove will use an actual account so I can post since I still can't get "anonymous" feature to work for me.

    1. "mb" must stand for "Mind Blown," because that's what I am!

      (As you can see, I'm not quite stopping...just less words to describe each movie...but still mini-reviews...)
