Thursday, January 18, 2018

The 2016 RyMickey Awards

Well, it's that must mean it's time for 2016's RyMickey Awards!

Yes, that's right...forget about 2017...pretend like the Harvey Weinstein takedown didn't happen...pretend like President Trump hasn't had a full year in office to rile up Hollywood...pretend like I'm not a year late with these awards, why don't you!

That said, as I mentioned way back in September, the RyMickey Ramblings blog is coming to a bit of an end as we know it.  Starting with any 2017 and 2018 reviews, things will look a little different, taking on a more diary-like tone as opposed to full-on reviews.

This will also likely be the final RyMickey the very least, there will be a hiatus for 2017.  2017 is like a lost year for me when it comes to movies.  I've actively avoided the cinema for weirdly political reasons last year -- I'm tired of Hollywood being the moral high ground when they're obviously anything but.  That said, I'll get off my soapbox for now and instead take you on a journey through the movies of 2016.

Admittedly, this year's edition of the RyMickey Awards will be a bit abbreviated -- and also admittedly, seeing as how some of these movies were seen nearly two years ago for me, my enthusiasm and vigor for even some of my favorites has waned -- but sit back and enjoy what is forthcoming...and then add a bunch of these movies to your Netflix, Amazon Prime, or HBO queues.

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