Saturday, September 30, 2017

The End of an Era

My little blog is viewed by such a minuscule number of people every day that this news should bring sorrow to very few, but after nine years of typing away my thoughts on WAY TOO MANY movies on a yearly basis, I've decided to call it quits...sort of.

Gone will be the days of full-length movie reviews and the RyMickey Awards.  Instead, it'll shift to a more "journal" approach of simply listing movies I've seen with a few comments so that I'll have a place to look over my thoughts in the years to come.  While I'll still be completing local theater reviews (as those are some of my most highly trafficked posts due to the lack of those reviews across the internet), the full length movie reviews are coming to an end.  I'll still certainly respond to any comments should they pop up and there may be an occasional full-length review here or there, but the time has come for the current iteration to end.

It's a little bittersweet, but if I'm being completely honest, I've become quite disenchanted with the Hollywood machine over the past year.  Their incessant need to lambast anyone who doesn't stand with them as opposed to hearing all sides has changed my opinion about them...and I just find myself struggling to care about their product anymore.  [The fact that I've only seen two movies released in 2017 thus far is a bit of proof to that.]   When I can't watch an awards show or Jimmy Kimmel or a football game without being hit in the face with politics -- politics that either support my beliefs or not -- there's a problem.  I guess as I get older, I'm simply getting tired of being railroaded by a media that refuses to see that there are reasonable people who are conservatives and I have grown weary of Hollywood's two-faced nature. 

Will I still watch movies?  Certainly.  Will I engage in the current Golden Era of tv?  Most definitely. Will I continue going to plays?  Absolutely.  The arts are an important part of our culture.  While I'd certainly like them to be a bit more reflective of all views, I appreciate how they show us opinions or values that may be different from our own.  Unfortunately, it's all too often a one-sided reflection from a group that fails to value any opinion that isn't their own and talks a big talk about "unity," but then fails to come to the table with any modicum of understanding or willingness to negotiate.

This post is by no means an endorsement of the current inhabitant of the White House who could certainly learn a thing or two about unity and open-mindedness.  However, it is because of that person and the media/Hollywood's unwaveringly biased views on him that brought about this change.

I'll be continuing the full reviews for a bit longer as I'm hoping to wrap up my 2016 viewings soon, and I'll complete one final, though truncated, RyMickey Awards season hopefully by November.  And as I said above, I'll not be going away completely.  Perhaps, in time, things will resume back to their original incarnations, but for now I need a bit of a respite.

For those who stop by here every now and again for a look, thanks.  It's been fun.

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