Thursday, September 15, 2016

The 2015 RyMickey Awards

As is always the case, your trusty blogger waits until well after the typical awards season is over before he reveals his winners.  In an attempt to see as many movies as possible, this year's 2015 awards finally roll around nine months into 2016.

That said, I hope they were worth the wait.  2015 brought some fantastic films to the scene featuring some excellent performances from several fresh faces that I hope to see well into the future.  Of course, it wasn't without its failures, too, as the first awards I'll dole out will show you.

However, it should be noted, I'm thinking of scaling back my 2016 movie watching.  Whereas past years yielded upwards of 175 movies passing over my eyes, I'm going to take great strides to not watch unmitigated crap this upcoming year.  What does that mean?  It means that if I know I'm not going to like something - take 2015's Fantastic Four as an example - I'm not even going to waste my time just so it can land on my "Worst of the Year" list.  That doesn't mean the blog is coming to end -- it simply means that I'm attempting to scale back my movie watching by maybe a fourth or a fifth of what I usually intake.

Nevertheless, with over 175 movies watched in 2015, the next fourteen days will look back on some of the best (and some of the worst).  Join me and feel free to comment on how right (or wrong) you think I am.

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