Sunday, October 04, 2015

Movie Review - Pressure

Pressure (2015)
Starring Danny Huston, Matthew Goode, Joe Cole, and Alan McKenna
Directed by Ron Scalpello
***This film is currently streaming on Netflix***

In the Somali Basin, the DSC Lorimer sailing vessel has discovered a leak in an oil pipeline nearly 650 feet below sea level.  Of course (seeing as how this is a suspense movie), there's a storm on the way, but four men are told to head down in a diving bell to fix the issue.  Needless to say, things go awry and the bell becomes separated from the ship.  Running low on oxygen and with their communication seemingly gone, the quartet must muster all their energy to make it back to the surface alive in Pressure.

Essentially taking place all within the confines of a small diving bell, Pressure is a low-budget thriller that had me completely interested for about fifty minutes before overstaying its welcome for another forty.  Ultimately, the repetition of the whole thing -- "Will we have enough oxygen," "Can anyone on the surface hear us," etc. -- wears thin after a while.  The cast does a decent job of making the most of what they're given, but attempts at fashioning backstories seem silly rather than impactful.  While director Ron Scalpello is adept at creating some tense moments, you can't help but think if there's a reason Pressure received such an extremely limited release in theaters this past summer.

The RyMickey Rating:  C

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