Sunday, August 16, 2015

Movie Review - Honeymoon

Honeymoon (2014)
Starring Rose Leslie and Harry Treadaway
Directed by Leigh Janiak
***This film is currently streaming on Netflix***

Newly betrothed Bea and Paul (Rose Leslie and Harry Treadaway) head to a Canadian lakeside cabin to celebrate their honeymoon.  After a few days of lustful fun, Paul begins to notice a personality change in Bea with her formerly perky and sweet personality becoming distanced.  When weird markings begin showing up on her body, Paul becomes even more concerned, wondering what exactly is happening to his new wife.

Although Honeymoon takes a little while to get going (a bit too long for comfort), first time director and screenwriter Leigh Janiak proves quite adept at getting great performances out of her actors which is absolutely needed in a low-budget horror/thriller such as this.  Rose Leslie and Harry Treadaway more than captivate in what is essentially a two-person film.  Their connection is believable both at the start and the end as their characters find themselves on quite the roller coaster ride of emotions.

Once the flick really gets rolling at about the forty-minute mark, Janiak adeptly takes control of the tension and creates an atmosphere of slowly building insanity that's totally believable and palpable.  There aren't any jump scares or "typical" thriller moments.  Instead, Honeymoon creates its enervating vibe thanks to its two actors and the story itself.  While not perfect, Honeymoon is certainly one of the better "horror" movies of 2014 and worth a look if this genre is of any appeal to you.

The RyMickey Rating:  B

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