Sunday, April 12, 2015

Movie Review - Two Night Stand

Two Night Stand (2014)
Starring Miles Teller and Analeigh Tipton
Directed by Max Nichols

Watched only because I have some weird fascination with Analeigh Tipton ever since Crazy, Stupid, Love and because I'm still attempting to find out how I feel about Miles Teller, Two Night Stand is a generic sex comedy that isn't bad, but certainly isn't anything worth seeing.  Tipton and Teller are Megan and Alec -- two lovelorn souls who meet on a hook-up site for a one-night stand.  Purely looking for sex, Megan gets up to leave the next morning only to find herself snowed in with a Snowpocalypse wreaking havoc on New York City.  Of course Megan and Alec find each other repulsive at first, but as they're forced to spend another night together, their hatred turns to humorous adoration as it should in every single romantic comedy ever written.

Fortunately, Tipton and Teller work well together and exude a believable chemistry which is important considering that this is pretty much a two-person film.  Unfortunately, the film feels long (even at eighty minutes) and too often finds itself resorting to the typical tropes that found me rolling my eyes -- let's get high together (ugh), let's have something really silly happen to the woman in that Meg Ryan-y kind of way that will make the guy and the audience find her all the more charming (double ugh).  It's not that Two Night Stand is offensive in anything it presents, it's just that it isn't original in the slightest.  It's one of those movies that as it ends you simply say to yourself, "Why was this even made?"  And that's perhaps the most damning criticism of all.

The RyMickey Rating:  C-

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