Monday, May 27, 2013

Movie Review - The Apparition

The Apparition (2012)
Starring Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan, and Tom Felton
Directed by Todd Lincoln

Quite simply, one of (if not the) worst film I've seen from 2012, The Apparition is a ghost story that has not a single scare, a single well-acted scene, or a single directorial flourish that proves anyone remotely involved with this piece of crap has any semblance of knowledge about how to make a decent horror movie.  Seriously, there is nothing worth noting here except that Todd Lincoln who wrote and directed this lazy flick shouldn't ever get the opportunity to pen or helm a film again.  However, this film does give hope that just about any screenplay can find someone with a pocketful of money willing to produce a piece of $h*t for a tax write-off.

In order to save valuable internet space, I won't even discuss quite possibly the most wooden performances I've seen in years from Ashley Greene and Sebastian Stan.  The Apparition is a film that essentially has only two actors playing off of each other for 75 minutes, so it'd probably behoove the director and producers to find two actors who A) have some sort of chemistry, and B) can elicit any form of emotion at all.  But, nope, that isn't the case here.  Instead, we get horrible actors playing equally horrible characters who run around their now haunted home (which they could easily leave, but don't because that wouldn't fit the story).

Worthless, really.  Just worthless.

The RyMickey Rating:  F

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