Sunday, June 10, 2012

The 2011 RyMickey Awards

Last year, I started the RyMickey Awards in March, so I'm just a little bit behind this year...but only a little.  Starting tomorrow and continuing throughout the next few weeks, we'll be exploring what I felt was the best of 2011.  2011 contained a lot of films I liked, but very few that I can truly say I loved which, admittedly, is probably one of the reasons I've waited so long to start these awards.  Lacking a real "wow" moment in nearly every category, the motivation wasn't there to kick these things off.  But kick them off I must and you'll see that there are several flicks now available to view at home that are well worth checking out.

So, we'll get things started tomorrow...finally...


  1. How haven't you seen Before Sunset yet btw?

    Also, you're losing 3/4's of your readership for 6 months on July 10th.

    Freedom needs defending.

  2. That is depressing...certainly 98% of my comments. But I know you'll come back and read all six months worth of reviews in one sitting...

    And no...they took Before Sunset off of streaming Netflix...
