Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Movie Review - My Soul to Take

My Soul to Take (2010)
Starring Max Thieriot, Jessica Hecht, and a bunch of unknown teen actors
Directed by Wes Craven

As I get older, I readily admit that I find myself watching more and more crap than ever before.  I think I've said in the past that I always found myself very sheltered from the "horror" genre as a kid and I seem to be making up for that in my more recent years.  My Soul to Take just isn't worth my time describing.  It's not offensive enough to have really ticked me off and it's not even close to being a modicum of good, so it falls in that wasteland of "Blah" where it joins so many other films that came before it.

Well-known horror director Wes Craven directs a cast of unknowns in this tale of a serial killer who wreaked havoc on a small town sixteen years ago only to have him (or someone purporting to be him) return on the anniversary of the night of his last killing spree.  Not that I need horror movies to be steeped in reality, but there's absolutely no legit reason behind the killer's actions (and no satisfying explanation given at the film's conclusion) which ends up damning the movie.

Enough about this one...just not worth the words...

The RyMickey Rating:  D


  1. Movie would have been so much better if the blind black kid was the killer.
    Also, if they hadn't killed off the hot redhead.

  2. "So much better"...it would've taken a lot more than the blind black kid being the killer to be "so much better." His role was so nonexistent that I actually completely forgot about him until he popped up in the final scene.

    I do agree that the redhead was definitely the most attractive of the ladies. I kinda thought she might have lived a little longer. I had her being offed fourth with the jock and blonde girl being killed before her.
