Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Movie Review - Mad Max

Mad Max (1979)
Starring Mel Gibson
Directed by George Miller
***This film is currently streaming on Netflix***

Mad Max is an awful film.  Based on the film's 95% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I'm thinking my opinion will not be universally agreed upon, but I'm right.  You are more than welcome to think it's so awful that it becomes good.  I'd disagree with you on that assessment, but I could see that argument.  For you to say the film is just flat out good, though, is not possible.

The nonsensical story takes place "a few years from now" in Australia where motorcycle gangs run rampant, looting stores, raping women, and wreaking havoc.  There appear to be police chasing after them, but they don't often succeed.  Mel Gibson's Max is one such policeman who, after the gangs affect his work and home life on a personal level, gets mad and goes on a quick ten-minute vindictive rampage (which are the only ten minutes worth watching and the only thing that saves the film from being a complete and utter failure).

Really, the less said the better here, but just let it be known that any good things you may have heard about this one came from someone in a drug-induced haze.

The RyMickey Rating:  D-


  1. you're only giving it a D- because you didn't watch Beyond Thunderdome alongside it.

  2. Thunderdome has Tina Turner in it, right? No thanks...I'm not sure you could pay me to watch that sequel...
