Friday, December 10, 2010

Movie Review - Oceans

Oceans (2010)
Narrated by Pierce Brosnan
Directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud

Last year, DisneyNature took on Earth and this year they're tackling Oceans.  While the film looks beautiful and contains many joyful images, I couldn't help but think that this film had a decidedly more "stagey" feeling than its predecessor despite the former actually carrying more of a storyline than this newest release which really feels like a bunch of nature clips simply thrown together without any sense of an overarching grand story.

The biggest fault in the documentary is that unlike Earth which took three animal families -- polar bears, elephants, and whales -- and focused on their struggles to survive interspersing their journeys with little clips of other creatures, Oceans is simply little clips of creatures rather than focusing on any particular sea animals.  I don't know if they simply felt limited by the sea creatures.  Mammals innately exude a sense of family and caring for their, not so much.  

So, instead of a story, it's just snippets of neat images without a bit of information to go along with them.  I thought Earth lacked an educational aspect, but Oceans was even worse in that department.  While Pierce Brosnan's voiceover surprisingly didn't lull me to sleep, he wasn't given anything to say to go with the rather fascinating images.  At the very least, if you weren't going to give me a story to follow, at least tell me something about those darn sea lions.  Yes, they are really cute when they yawn, but that's not enough to hold my interest.

Overall, while the film looked pretty, Oceans was an overall disappointment in that there was really no point to the whole affair.

The RyMickey Rating:  D+

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