Sunday, December 05, 2010

Book Review - The Ultimate Book of Sports Movies

The Ultimate Book of Sports Movies
by Ray Didinger and Glen Macnow

This is one of those coffee table books (or bathroom readers if you're so inclined) that you pick up every now and then, read a little bit, put it down for weeks on end, then pick it back up again...only to finish nearly a year after you started it.  

Those of you that live in the Philly area and have some knowledge of Philly sports may well be aware of Ray Didinger and Glen Macnow, co-authors of The Ultimate Book of Sports Movies.  Didinger is the go-to expert on all things Eagles in the town and finds himself popping up on multiple radio shows and television post-game wrap-ups.  Macnow is the mid-day guy on the local sports radio station WIP and I really enjoy listening to him.  Yeah, he's got the Philly toughness to him, but he also seems like a genuinely nice guy.  Plus, if I remember correctly (and as this book would seemingly verify), he really likes movies.  For a while there, I think he was running some weekly movie-watching club on his radio show.

So anyway...the book lists what Didinger and Macnow call the 100 Greatest Sports Movies of All Time.  Out of the 100, I've seen 20, so a whopping one-fifth.  The duo aren't God's gift to literature, but they're enjoyable to read (kinda like this blogger, I'd hope).  They throw in some witty asides and humor that hit home the fact that these are just regular joes who enjoy sports and movies.

The best part of the book is when the duo steps away from discussing and reviewing the actual films themselves.  Interviews with celebs and sports guys like Dennis Quaid (The Rookie) and Vince Papale (the inspiration for Invincible) are insightful and fun.  Additionally, their breakaways to discuss things like "The Worst Sports Sequels Ever Made" and "Athletes Who Could Not Act" are nice respites from the film analysis.

A decent book that would satisfy the sports or movie lover on your Christmas list.  Nothing mind-blowing, but any 100 Best Sports Movie list that contains both Best in Show and Cool Runnings is alright with me.


  1. me from a year ago says "you're welcome."

  2. I don't even think the book was for me, but "thank you."
