Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movie Review - Salt

Salt (2010)
Starring Angelina Jolie, Liev Schrieber, and Chiwetel Ejiofor
Directed by Philip Noyce

It's not a shocking statement to say that Angelina Jolie is considered one of the hottest women on the planet.  And while I don't think she should top the Maxim 100 list or anything, she's certainly attractive.  So if you have an incredibly attractive woman starring in a full-blown action pic, why wouldn't you play that up a bit?  Sure, it's probably sexist for me to say it, but one would think that we'd get to see some modicum of hotness emanating from Ms. Jolie in a fun summer movie. 

That's never the case in Salt.  Instead, we see Angelina in an awful blond wig and later dressed up like a man...neither get-up falls into the "hot" category.  I'm not faulting the flick for this, but I just found it odd.

Jolie is Evelyn Salt, a CIA agent who is accused by a Russian spy she is interrogating that she herself is a Russian spy infiltrating the American agency to discover government secrets.  Her fellow agents immediately want to question her, but Salt escapes and finds herself on the run.

Overall, I'm just really lukewarm on the flick.  The action sequences were actually well-shot by director Philip Noyce.  There were a few surprises that I didn't see coming.  But, in the end, the film didn't excite me in the slightest.  

And I think that the problem lies with Jolie herself...not in her lack of hotness, but in her lack of emoting.  There was never a moment in Salt where I felt the least bit concerned for the title character.  As a spy, one would assume that Salt was trained to hide her emotions, but in a movie, an emotional disconnect just doesn't allow for an audience to give a damn.  Jolie just appears to be moving right through the movie, accepting her big paycheck, but not really doing much beyond running really fast.

The RyMickey Rating:  C+


  1. Probably because the movie was written for a male lead, in regards to the sex appeal.

  2. I understand that the movie was written for a male lead, but there were certainly a few changes (although surprisingly not many) that needed to be made.

    I'm not saying that nude scenes were necessary or warranted, but they really didn't even make her look attractive at all. The bleached blond hair...the male haircut...wrapping her in a giant fur coat with a massive fur hat atop her head.

    This didn't hurt the film for me (and didn't affect my grade), but I just found it very odd that they didn't play up the sex appeal.

    On a side note, I just rewatched the trailer because I remember watching it and seeing her in her bra...nowhere in the movie...so it's not as if they didn't film it. They just left it out.

    Just odd...that's all. I'm not trying to sound all macho and sexist, I just find it odd.
