Friday, February 05, 2010

Movie Review - Severance (2007)

Starring British People and the Blond Chick from "The Faculty"
Directed by Christopher Smith

I'm loving the Netflix instant queue via the Playstation 3, but so far I'm not sure I've actually watched a decent movie on it. Things that have been wallowing in my normal queue for years are now being watched "on demand" (essentially) and I'm realizing that subconsciously there was a really good reason they never made it to the top of the snail mail queue.

Severance is a slasher pic that follows a lot of the typical horror movie clichés. Seven members of a British company that specializes in outsourcing weapons to countries embark on a "team building" weekend in the hills of Hungary to become better acquainted with each other. On their way to the fancy lodge, their bus is stopped by a fallen tree in the roadway. While they decide to walk to the lodge, instead of following the main road and simply climbing over the fallen tree, they walk down a side road because it might be quicker. And right from the get-go, the movie is flawed. Granted, I'm not expecting high-brow stuff in horror movies, but I'd like some semblance of intelligence. Why travel down the side road? There's no point. And when you get to the end of the road and see a shitty-looking cabin, why would you think it's the correct one when the road you're on hasn't merged with any main road yet?

In addition to the flaws, none of the characters were the least bit interesting. I'll give all the actors credit as they do make the most of their one-note parts, but not a single person is fleshed out. And, unfortunately, the kills just aren't all that exciting. Let's not even get started on the ridiculousness of the villain here. Just a bummer all around.

The RyMickey Rating: D

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