Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I'm Listening To - Maroon 5

I'll be honest...I went from looking forward to seeing Maroon 5 to dreading it about 8 hours before their show on Monday, November 16, at the Bob Carpenter Center at UD. Having seen The Swell Season a week before and absolutely loving the venue and the vocals, I wasn't really in the mood for the pure pop (however catchy it may be) and high-pitched vocals of lead singer Adam Levine.

Let me just say I was pleasantly surprised. The band sounded pretty darn good and I was impressed that the vocals were (a) actually much less nasally than I thought they'd be, and (b) actually able to be heard (I thought the echoes of an "arena" would cause the lyrics to be unrecognizable). Singing in a seemingly lower key than on their albums, Levine kept the energy up during the first five and last five songs.

However, I was a little bummed that the band went acoustic for four songs in the middle. Listen, I'm a fan of an acoustic "break down" of a song, but why put them all in one segment of your act? I mean, your act's only 80 minutes anyway, why not plug the acoustic numbers in here and there. Having them as a big chunk in the middle really brought down the energy of the crowd and by song #4 of the "acoustic set," I was bored. (And I'm still not sure I'm a fan of the country-fied, acoustic version of "Wake Up Call" of which you can find some awful quality videos on youtube...the normal video for the song is below.)

Other than the disappointing set of acoustic stuff, I resented the fact that college kids think it's cool when someone says "fuck." Why applaud every single time the lead singer drops the F-bomb? It's not cool...and it felt really pandering that he kept repeating it simply because the "kids" loved it so much. And I know every single singer does it, but I can't help but feel that they're always disingenuous when they say "You're the best effin' stop we've had on this tour...if you don't believe me, check out the vids on effin' youtube...I don't say that everywhere I go." Everyone ate that shit up when it was said, but it just caused my eyes to roll.

Still, despite the issues, for $20 I had a damn good time.


  1. I'm readily aware of the embarrassment that comes with this post.

    That being said, when it comes to music, I like to think that my tastes are pretty broad...

    I can't help it...their shit is catchy and you won't be able to convince me otherwise.

  2. Too commercial. I have broad taste too my friend. Probably the most mainstream band I love is Coldplay and they started out indie and still are at heart. That can "warrant" bashing (40 Year Old Virgin) I don't listen to the radio. Nor am I this HARDCORE ROCK DUDE MAN. I am a "indie hipster" with a fondness for jazz and lounge and 90's hip-hop.

  3. I could make you a mix filled with bands that you didn't know existed and hopefully warp your skull in the process :)

  4. Two things:

    I like how you wrapped up your rant about people using profanity with profanity.

    And I wish I was a hipster that was totally allowed to bash commercial bands. What bands out there don't start out 'indie'? Maroon 5 was totally commercial from the outset.

  5. I am not bashing. They aren't my taste. Their sound is generic other then the distinct voice of Adam Levine. I'm sure if you disliked Coldplay then you could argue the same thing. Maroon 5 sounds like a guilty pleasure to Jeff and there is nothing wrong with that. Maroon 5 is better then like Green Day if we are talking about commercial radio bands. Creed and Nickelback hold the torch for pure shit and I shall bash them like any sane person should.

  6. Justin - the profanity at the end of the rant was intentional...attempting to be ironic, I guess (if ironic is the right word there).

    And Eric - I don't give a darn whether Maroon 5 is too commercial. I don't like the notion that someone can be "too commercial." Disliking someone because simply because they've become popular isn't something I often do (that being said, the popularity could lead to overhype and overplay which does often lead to dislike...).

    It's not like they're even close to my favorite band, but I like 'em despite the fact that it's "not cool" to say that I do.

  7. jeff, I got the "irony" at the end of the original post, but you just went all hypocritical with your vulgarity rant by saying "their shit is catchy" in the comments. not my point though.
    I will say it's stupid though. it did seem like he tried a little hard to throw in a f-bomb here and there. but...the kids didn't eat it up because it was cursing. they ate it up because they're college kids at a concert. i guarantee that if the swell season had said "you're the best fucking crowd we've had on this tour," the audience would've cheered just like at this concert.
    I agree with you to a point. but, to me, it seems like you're nitpicking and not looking at the big picture of concerts in general.

  8. and to tie that into indie music: they're largely the worst culprits at putting random "bad" words in their songs just "because we can and it won't be on the radio and fuck that shit, we're awesome. but we wouldn't say that to anyone because we wouldn't be as low-key cool." their way of saying 'f the man' but with more pot most of the time.
    I agree completely with Jeff's last point.
    There's one thing to be said for selling out as an artist/band. it's entirely another thing to be popular. some groups are popular for a reason- they make catchy music (whether it's good or not can be debated. but catchy...yes). It's the reason why somebody like Taylor Swift is so damn popular. Her music isn't really great and casual fans will admit it, but people find it catchy. There's a reason that there are so many interesting covers of 'popular' songs by indie artists.
    Saying you hate all mainstream music is a cop out to me. and it largely makes you seem like you're trying to be much cooler than you actually are. A lot of truly mainstream radio music is really bad, most of it is probably. but...there's nothing wrong with liking music because it's popular. I'd say a greater percentage of indie music is just plain horrible.
    And I'm not talking about you, Eric. I have no idea who you are. I mean it in a general sense. I have no idea what you listen to as a whole other than the general stuff you wrote. You said you like Coldplay. certainly no longer an indie band. and I'm sure that Chris Martin and his bajillion dollars, celebrity wife, and multiple endorsements prove that. indie at heart though? maybe. if they were in it purely for the music though, i'd think things would be a little different.
    A question though. What about essentially indie, or at least, little known artists putting their music in commercials? Is that selling out? Does that suddenly make them them too commercial (no pun intended) if their song gains some popularity from something like that? Indie artists say they make music because it's what they do and who they are and they do it not for money, but for music. but i'd bet - regardless of what they might say publicly- that they would still love a hit song in some sense, even if it's within a smaller community of listeners. They'd have to be idiots not to. You're making your music public so that other people will listen to it.

  9. i'm not trying to start an argument or anything. just talking. up the traffic on jeff's blog a little.

    you're welcome jeff.

  10. "G" I never stated i hate all mainstream music. I love Coldplay and Dave Matthews Band for example. I personally find the quality of music played through "todays hits" radio stations poor and generic. Also indie isn't just a term saying independent its also a style and genre of music that is kinda vague. Anyway, typically artists signed to independent music labels have more creative freedom and don't have masses of fans to appease. Once certain artists make it they change their style and songwriting to cater to the masses. Fuck that. THATS selling out. Coldplay for example hasn't changed a lick only to expand their sound. Also, Chris Martin has no endorsements, leads a very private life even though yes he has a high profile marriage. He is the worst example to prove a point. I don't hate things because they gain in popularity. I dislike things when they change what they are about with newfound fame and glory. Regarding commercials its subjective. If the song fits the context or enhances it by creating a rhythm then i don't give a hoot. Also Coldplay turned down millions from Gap when they wanted to use "Clocks" in their ads...

  11. well coldplay did put their music in an apple commercial featuring chris martin. I have no idea as to what the compensation was for that, but it probably helped sell a few copies of 'viva la vida'. endorsement/commercial... close enough. maybe my use of the word "multiple" wasn't great, but the point is still made. so i was 2.5/3 in my assessment of him. not THAT bad. And I wasn't claiming that Coldplay has sold out, only that they've become massively popular based off kind of an indie ideal. They've seemed to stay rooted by their 'indie hearts,' but saying that their millions have nothing to do anything is naive. I simply used martin as an example because you mentioned coldplay. I think the basic idea of what I was trying to say was there. I personally like Coldplay.

    and i specifically said I wasn't calling you out, I was talking in generalities. so please don't take it as attack or anything. Obviously you don't hate all mainstream music. I noted that. I was referring more to people that DO say that they hate everything that's popular...or they decide to start hating something because it becomes popular. I never intended to imply that you did that.
    I happen to agree with you, that things CAN change if a so called 'indie' band sells out in the way you described. I think we're actually agreeing on most of this.
    I agree with you that most of "today's hits" are absolute crap. and I'm not an indie novice. I listen to lots of stuff... all over the board genre-wise.
    But, with other people (not you, again), to knock somebody or not give someone a chance just because they happen to be popular isn't legit and it certainly seems like that person is trying to hard to be indie. and that certainly happens with people. and that annoys me. some songs and even artists are appealing for reasons beyond our comprehension, and we shouldn't deny that solely based upon someone's popularity.

  12. May I have your attention please:

    Dangly parts.

    That is all.

  13. I'll just sit back and take it all in...

  14. Don't say yes to Eric's offer of a mix. You'll only be disappointed! and empty handed....
    Although there is the option that he's just been working really, really hard on mine.

  15. Those people you are referring to are called "Scene Kids" you can go ahead and punch them in the throat. They earned it!

  16. vanished :( and jacked Seth Rogen from Candice who was holding it for Eric if you check the back of him :(((

  17. I have no comment to make to either of those accusations.


    Relevant I believe. :-D
