Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A Christmas Movie a Day

Not that anyone will respond, but if anyone has any favorite Christmas/holiday themed films/tv specials, list them in the comments. Starting November 25, I'm going to watch a Christmas movie a day for 31 days and I'm open to suggestions.


  1. just watch abc family you fool.
    claymation domination. and actors who can't get on lifetime movies anymore.
    by mid month you'll be on "a carol christmas" and "yukon cornelius's cousin visits one of the miser brothers and the train with square wheels from the island of misfit toys"
    certainly seems like the way to go to me.

  2. Kiss Saves Santa, brah.


    Hocus Pocus.


    There was this one that i saw like 3 years ago that was hilarious, it was clay-mation and i don't remember anything about it though.

    Honestly my vote is Die Hard everyday. Yes. It's a Christmas Movie.

  3. Also, this:

  4. Oh, Gregory...making me laugh...I'd actually prefer to watch "good" Christmas movies, though, not the crappy made-for-tv ones with 90s sitcom and 90210 rejects.

    Justin - Die Hard is on the list I've started to make. And if that Spanish Santa/Devil one were on Netflix, I'd watch it in a second. Although, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" may make up for the lack of that one on Netflix (of course, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" in all likelihood goes against the fact I mentioned above that I wanted to watch "good" Christmas movies).

  5. Since you liked the new Christmas Carol, you could do a comparison to The Muppets one as well as Bill Murray's Scrooged (from waaay back in the day). Also, the Home Alones are classic.

  6. God I love Scrooged.

    It's my favorite not Die Hard Christmas movie.

  7. Mickey's Xmas Sign-a-long

  8. I highly recommend national lampoon's christmas vacation. you can't go wrong with that.

  9. Is it frightening that I own a Mickey's Christmas Sing-a-Long?

    That shouldn't be surprising, I guess...

    National Lampoon and Scrooged make the list, as does the first Home Alone...

  10. Definitely Jingle All the Way.
