Thursday, September 10, 2009

Movie Review - No Denying: Delawareans Bear Witness to the Holocaust (2008)

Directed by Steve Gonzer

Part One of a five-part series, No Denying: Delawareans Bear Witness to the Holocaust is essentially a series of five to ten-minute interviews of Jewish Delawareans who survived the atrocities of the Holocaust and Delawareans who were part of the military that freed the Jews during WWII.

Without a doubt, these interviews of these folks should be filmed. It's important to have this on record (if only to prove to the crazies out there that the Holocaust actually occurred...a point that only quickly mentioned despite the fact that the title would make you think otherwise). That being said, these interviews don't make a good film. There's no flow to this documentary at all. It's simply an interview, followed by another interview, followed by some black-and-white photography or video footage from the 1930s/40s...then we're back to another interview, then another, and then the stock footage again. It just gets boring, unfortunately. You could easily have got up and left at any point in time and not missed a thing.

Once again, it's necessary to have these accounts on record, but I really didn't think it works as a cinematic vehicle.

The RyMickey Rating: D+


  1. "It just gets boring"

    Are you freaking kidding me?!

    IT'S THE HOLOCAUST! You have a lot of nerve, ma'am!

  2. Did you see the film? I'm thinking not...but, go ahead and criticize...
