Monday, September 07, 2009

Movie Review - Extract (2009)

Starring Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, Kristin Wiig, David Koechner, J.K. Simmons, Clifton Collins, Jr., and Ben Affleck
Directed by Mike Judge

Huge fan of the Mike Judge-created King of the Hill here. I could watch the show for hours on end. This flick isn't even close to matching the humor seen there.

Jason Bateman runs a company that makes flavor extracts. There's an accident one day that causes one of his workers (Clifton Collins, Jr., in his worst role this year) to lose one of his testicles ('s supposed to be funny...Not laughing?...I wasn't either). Some hot lady crook (Mila Kunis) sees an easy way of getting money by convincing the hurt worker to sue the extract company for millions...she'll marry him, divorce him, and get his dough.

There's really no point in going into any more detail because there's really no point in anyone going to see this movie in the first place. Yes, there were some funny lines, but the whole movie just felt unusually flat. I'm no director, but I'm sure there's some modicum of difficulty when filming a comedy...trying to figure out whether you need to pause a split second here for laughter or whether the next line of dialogue should follow immediately. This movie just laid there onscreen with the poor direction and poor story (also by Judge) taking center stage.

Bateman and Affleck were okay and, even though she didn't do anything special, Kristin Wiig is an enjoyable comedienne to me. That being said, I honestly don't care enough to write anymore about this one.

The RyMickey Rating: D-


  1. You just used the term "comedienne." I think you should feel sorry for yourself.

  2. Every time I pick out which movie to attempt to see, you always end up giving it a low rating and it usually gets out of theaters before I get a chance to go. It's unfortunate.

  3. Rose! It sucked...don't bother...there are admittedly some good lines, but as a whole it doesn't work at all.

  4. Oh don't'd be a blessing if I get the time to see just one movie for the rest of the semester. Plus, the Regal down here is pretty pathetic. I'm pretty sure they already got rid of everything that looks even sort of promising.
