Thursday, September 10, 2009

Movie Review - Chéri (2009)

Starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Kathy Bates, and Rupert Friend
Directed by Stephen Frears

I must admit that I started out pretty darn confused in this movie. Considering that the only thing I knew about it was what was contained in the poster, I assumed that Michelle Pfeiffer was playing some woman name Chéri. Well, Chéri is a guy who falls for Pfeiffer's Lea, a courtesan. Chéri (Rupert Friend) and Lea begin a six-year love affair, much to the chagrin of Chéri's mother (Kathy Bates).

I'm thinking this movie is supposed to take place in 19th century France, but no one has French accents. Each character has fancy French names, but they have British accents and the accents of Pfeiffer and Bates fade in and out whenever they see fit. At times, there's witty banter between Lea and Chéri's mother, but at other times, the dialogue fell completely flat.

The acting is pretty darn weak across the board with Pfeiffer leading the way in disappointment. She isn't helped by the weak script. For a movie that's supposed to be romantic, there's very little romance to be had. We were supposed to believe that Chéri and Lea were in desperately in love, but I never once got a sense that their relationship was anything other than a sexual one.

It should be noted that this movie was only 85 minutes long, but it felt like an exorbitantly long two hours. I really couldn't wait for this to be over. When all you can say about a movie is that the period costumes looked nice and the musical score was interesting, there's something wrong with your flick.

The RyMickey Rating: D


  1. "I really couldn't wait for this to be over."

    oh yeah, as if you dorks actually had SOMETHING to do. LOL!

  2. says something about you to be spending all your time on a nothing blog reading and writing comments.

    seems like you're the one that should really be looking for something to do. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

  3. So wait - I can't tell. Is one of these 'Anonymous' people (aside from me) someone that you two know that is just making fun of you/joking around - or are they legitimately trying to insult you by applying the term "dorks?" Because this one (along with the sitting on Thomas' lap one) come off as joking.

  4. Nope, "Anonymous I Know"...I don't know who there other people are. The dorks comment was supposed to be...insulting...I guess?
