Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Year of Firsts

Not important...just keeping my list going...

  • I'm growing a beard...because why the hell not...who knows how long it'll last.
  • Saw my first concert in a stadium venue


  1. You better not look like a scary hairy man when I come back to visit or I'm going to shave it off for you.

  2. What concert? I like the beard, Keep it!

  3. Becky -

    Scroll down a bit...the Paul McCartney post...

    I'm still going back and forth about the beard...I was gonna shave it Monday morning and woke up too late to do it still remains...

  4. Saw the beard the other day while you were hard at work...looks nice and tidy :-)

  5. Sorry I missed you, Sheri...I still don't know about it...some minutes I like it and then the next I'm done with it...

  6. I was going to say hello but you were behind the glass looking very into a conversation.

    Good news for you, you can shave it off anytime you want if you don't like it
