Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Movie Review - Push (2009)

Starring Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle, and Djimon Hounsou
Written by David Bourla
Directed by Paul McGuigan

I think I've reached that point now of getting tired of watching everything at Movie #71. It's not that Push is an awful flick (Lord knows, I've seen three worse movies that were released in theaters this past weekend), but you just reach a point of getting tired of (slightly below) average films.

In fact, I'm honestly too lazy to write a summary, so, here's the wikipedia run down: The plot centers on a group of people born with various powers who band together to attempt to take down a government agency that is using a dangerous drug to enhance their powers in hopes of creating an army of super soldiers. While that is what the movie's about, that idea of "super soldiers" makes the plot sound even dumber than it is already.

The flick felt very much like NBC's Heroes, a show I watched for a season-and-a-half and then never went back to again because of its sheer ridiculosity (yes, I'm coining that as a new word). Similarly here, if I could've stopped watching here, I might have. Once again, though, it's not that it was all that bad, it's just that I didn't care at all about the plot or the characters.

That being said, I thought the flick actually looked moderately cool. Apparently, it was shot on location in Hong Kong and director Paul McGuigan uses the area to great effect. Sure, he doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but there's an edginess to his direction that fit the story and didn't seem forced.

Once again, it's not like the flick was awful, but I was bored out of my mind during it.

The RyMickey Rating: D+

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