Thursday, August 20, 2009

Movie Review - Lorna's Silence (2009)

Starring Arta Dobroshi, Jérémie Renier, and Fabrizio Rongione
Directed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne

Lorna and her boyfriend long to own a snack bar (odd, I know), so in order to get money, she decides to partner with some Russian mobster. She will marry a Belgian drug addict to gain his country's citizenship which will then allow her to marry a Russian guy who wants Belgian citizenship (and is willing to pay beaucoup bucks to get it). Along the way, not much happens, but when exciting things do happen (and, really, there's only one exciting thing that happens here), they're told to us (rather than shown to us) in a very nonchalant fashion.

Now, this movie wasn't bad, but it was just slow. Not much happens here in the course of close to two hours. Sure, at the end, things start to get a little odd, but I still keep coming back to nothing much happening. The weird thing is that I wasn't bored while watching the film, but I came out of it thinking "What was the point?" Arta Dobroshi as Lorna was fine -- she had two scenes (one where she and the junkie "consumate" their "marriage" and another where she is talking to the police after an unfortunate event) where she really shined. She was in every scene and she kept my attention, but in the end, I just didn't really care. Once again, I can't really pinpoint anything awful about the flick, but I can't say that I liked it a whole lot either, hence the simply average grade.

The RyMickey Rating: C


  1. This is a travesty! That chick was pretty hot and it's not even mentioned.

    Actually all I remember is the red jeans? I think she wore them the entire movie?

  2. I am fairly certain that I rated this higher at first and then changed my mind and lowered it. Once again, I can't tell you why exactly except to say that I guess I thought it was slow and not much happened.

    But, yes, I do think she wore red jeans the entire time...and I have a vague recollection of talking about the fact that she had short hair which was one of the characteristics that put her right up your alley in the hot department.

    What's actually more disturbing is the fact that as I was reading my Spread review because of your comment there, I called Anne Heche hot...I don't really know myself anymore...
