Sunday, August 30, 2009

Movie Review - The Final Destination 3D (2009)

Starring Bubba Gump, the Guy from "What I Like About You," and a Cast of Nobodies
Directed by David R. Ellis

If you've seen one Final Destination movie, you've seen 'em all. A bunch of people cheat death, but death comes back to collect its victims via some ridiculously complex ways.

Really, there's not a single thing new here. There are one or two moderately cool death scenes, but other than that, it's a retread of Final Destinations 1 and 2 (I don't think I saw the third). Acting is subpar, at best. The film looks like it was shot on a shoestring budget...everything looked incredibly cheap and "set up" -- meaning, everything is in the exact right place at the exact right time...which, in the end, makes everything look as fake as could be.

There's nothing here worth seeing...and the 3D was absolutely nothing special so there's really no reason to see it since that's the gimmick this time around.

The RyMickey Rating: D-


  1. you forgot to mention the entertainment factor of the wascally wabbit.

  2. I rarely do this, but... LOL...

  3. success!
    although part of me is disappointed in you for 'that.'
