Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Book a Week - A Practical Guide to Racism

Book Thirty-One of the Book-a-Week Quest

A Practical Guide to Racism
by C.H. Dalton (2007)

Despite being full of completely inappropriate politically incorrect humor, this book had me cracking up and laughing out loud. I'd love to write some of the jokes that made me laugh, but they'd make me look like a jerk. Instead, I'm just going to write down the chapter titles and you can make a decision as to whether the book would interest you from there.

Hispanics - A Practical Guide to Fecundity (my favorite)
Jews - A Practical Guide to Everything Wrong in Your Life and Why It's Their Fault
Whites - A Practical Guide to Racists
Indians (and Injuns) - A Practical Guide to Redskins
Blacks - A Practical Guide to Melanin
Asians - A Practical Guide to Cellists
Merpeople - A Practical Guide to Our Neighbors Beneath the Sea
Arabs - A Practical Guide to a Peace-Loving Race
Gypsies - A Practical Guide to Carnies

If you were offended by any of the above, this book isn't for you. If you found any of it funny, then give it a's a quick read...I read it over two days in less than three hours. Not really a whole lot else to say here except that I enjoyed it quite a bit.