Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Year of Firsts

A Saturday trip to New York City yielded the following:

  • Rode the NYC subway for the first time
  • Subsequently got lost on the NYC subway for the first time (the getting lost was not my fault)
  • Went to the site of the World Trade Center -- a mess of fences, but shockingly smaller than I thought it was going to be; still, there's something eerie and disquieting about the site; especially the small memorial at the fire company station that was less than a block away; I look forward to returning in several years when it's all rebuilt because, right now, there are, unfortunately, no real memorials to the fallen.
  • Saw Battery Park for the first time
  • Went to the Wall Street area of NYC for the first time
  • Saw the Statue of Liberty for the first time
  • Saw Central Park for the first time
  • Tried grits for the first time (Doesn't fit in with the theme at all...but, as exciting as it is, it happened...)


  1. Grits...the ice cream of the south! :)

  2. They were okay...but was like oatmeal...a consistency I really don't enjoy...

  3. They are awesome because you can make them taste like whatever you want! I am very impressed with all the new things you are doing!

  4. Try shrimp and cheese grits in Charleston, South Carolina once...I thought ewww that sounds gross but they are soooo good and very smooth, not like oatmeal
