Thursday, July 09, 2009

Movie Review - Not Easily Broken (2009)

Starring Morris Chestnut, Taraji P. Henson, and Jennifer Lewis
Written by Brian Bird
Directed by Bill Duke

Couple is happily married. 15 years go by. Couple is just rolling along, living a boring existence, neither really happy with the other. Horrible accident happens. Wife gets hurt. Wife gets angry at husband for not spending enough time with her. Wife's mother gets angry. Husband thinks about cheating on his wife because she's such a jerk to him.

Who cares about any of the above...I can't even bring myself to write complete sentences about the movie.

It's not that it was the worst thing ever, but every single stereotype is present here. Based on a book by a popular African American reverend, it's nice to see a movie that focuses on trying to save your marriage...but your movie needs to be good. Simply being nice doesn't cut it.

The RyMickey Rating: D


  1. i thought that was montel williams at first glance.

  2. Had Montel been in it, there may have at least been some humor in the flick in watching his performance...

  3. I'm hanging in suspense! Does he or doesn't he?

  4. I'm gonna ruin it...

    He kisses the white girl, but then realizes he's gone too far and he and his wife end up happily ever after...
