Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Movie Review - π (1998)

**Available on DVD**
Starring Sean Gullette and Mark Margolis
Written and Directed by Darren Aronofsky

This is essentially a low-budget, black-and-white film school project that is taken to the next level by the talent of its director -- Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler). I am fascinated by Aronofsky's directorial techniques -- camera angles, edits, use of music -- in all his films and this one is no exception.

That being said, it really is nothing more than a glorified film school project. The first 20 minutes are great, the last 20 minutes are great, and the middle 40 just fall flat, repeating much of what we've already seen in the first 20 minutes. Now, I understand there is a point to that -- the film revolves around a mathematician's downward spiral as he tried to unlock the mathematical secrets of the stock market. He starts to go crazy, the film starts to repeat his craziness...I get what's going on. I just was bored.

Still, despite the problem, it was a fascinating film to watch simply because my mind was involved the whole way through. I wasn't simply staring at the screen, I was mentally stimulated by the movie and that's always a plus.

And the second to last scene? What the fuck? is all I can say...

The RyMickey Rating: B-


  1. Ha! I did that especially for you!


    Alright, so now that this is in the comments section, what exactly happens in that second to last scene?

    Does he actually drill into his head or is he just having one of his crazy visions again? Does he actually not have a great mathematical mind in the final scene or has he just decided to not take things so seriously?

  2. Language Jeffery! :)

  3. I was gonna go the "wtf" route, but that's just too cutesy...

    Rest assured, I washed my mouth out with soap after I typed that...
