Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coming Attractions

Nothing really exciting in this batch. I'm only posting the latter two of these because some of us discussed them during a recent journey to Philadelphia. The first one's getting posted because I'm sure they're gonna push it to be an Oscar contender.


I'm all for the return of Natalie Portman and I'm okay with Jake Gyllenhaal, too. But this just kind of looks silly.

The Collector - Red Band Trailer - NSFW

Despite the fact that I've never seen a single Saw movie all the way through, I'm vaguely interested in this. I'm not sure why...

Deadgirl - NSFW

I'm posting this because "Anonymous" talked about it after her trek up to NYC to see her favorite movie of all time, Newsies. This looks quite different from that. The premise sounds more interesting to me than the trailer, though. This is one movie that I'll never see, though, as we'll never get it anywhere around here since it features no stars.


  1. For the first half of the Brothers trailer it looked liked Grace is Gone with John Cusack dying instead. Then it got steadily crappier.

    The Collector looks pretty terrible, honestly. So does the other one. Meh.

  2. I have no clue why The Collector interests me.

    I only read about the premise of Deadgirl and was super-intrigued. I just came across the trailer today and am now disappointed.

    Brothers -- just seems like its "pushing" the emotions to the forefront for the sake of Oscar hopes. Apparently its a remake of some German(?) movie...not that that means anything...

  3. I got an Oscar bait vibe from the first minute, then Lakeview Terrace(first movie I could think of that describes what i'm thinking, sans the racism) vibe from the end of it.

  4. Yeah - the only trailer I found on youtube (presumably the one you have on here - I didn't watch it) was not the same as the one on Newsies. It was not as good/didn't set up the movie as well.
