Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Year of Firsts

It's been ages since I've posted anything under this headline and this isn't anything really life-changing or anything (like eating sushi for the first time was?), but it was really cool nevertheless.

- I saw how an IMAX projector works for the first time. Obviously, I'm around actual film and projectors all the time, but seeing how these massive projection systems work was pretty cool. The film itself is so much larger than normal film and the projector is much larger than a normal 35mm projector. The fact that the projector needs to have both a fan and a water-cooling system in it to keep the temperature at a certain level tells you how huge this system is. I could go on and on about the differences (and how I'd never want to have to deal with it at our theater), but that would likely bore all but one of you reading this now. Nevertheless, it was mighty nifty.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Science Channel has a show called Science of the Movies that apparently showed this too. I haven't watched the show but my dad does and now thinks he knows more about running a projector than I do.

  3. It was nifty, for sure. If you ever head up to KOP, if the GM is there, you may be lucky enough to get a tour...
