Saturday, June 27, 2009

What I'm Listening To - "Whyyawannabringmedown" by Kelly Clarkson

**Reposted**For some reason, this page was making it so I couldn't look at my blog without it freezing up while on vacation, so I had to remove it.**

Despite the fact that it's the highest rated show on television, I understand that's uncool musically to say that you listen to music from artists that have found success from American Idol. But, as you likely know, I'm not exactly the epitome of "cool" (at least all know that I exude coolness in all other areas of my life). So, that's why Kelly Clarkson pops up as an artist that I'm listening to. She released her newest album -- All I Ever Wanted -- a few months ago, but I just got around to listening to it within the last three weeks or so. The album itself is a mix of pop, techno, and rock that doesn't necessarily work as a whole. As individual songs, however, these lightweight tunes are all pretty good (if you're into that "lightweight pop" kinda thing.

To me, the track that stood out is decidedly the most "rock" I've ever heard Clarkson sing. Take a listen to "Whyyawannabringmedown" below.
I will say that the sound quality of the youtube videos I could find of this one were not stellar, so on the actual album, it sounds quite a bit better. Apparently it's one of Clarkson's favorite songs from the album and I'm perfectly okay if she heads for this "rock-ier" direction rather than the techno-ish pop route.

Then again, that techno-y pop thing is where she's most well known. The first single of of the new album "My Life Would Suck Without You" kind of goes that route (not quite techno, but it's got the driving beat of that genre, in my opinion). I must admit that it took me a bit to warm up to the song, but now I enjoy it quite a bit.

Yeah, I realize that these aren't necessarily "classic" pop songs, but I'm enjoying them at the moment and I guess that's all that matters, right?

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