Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What I'm Listening To - "I Get Around" by Dragonette

A buddy convinced me to join last.fm -- a website that essentially tracks the music that you're listening to on your iPod or via iTunes (that link above will take you to my homepage on the site). While it's embarrassing enough to see Hanson's "Where's the Love" or Britney Spears' "Toxic" pop up multiple times (both of which have been "favorited" on the website by me...you will never convince me that those two songs aren't pop classics), it also has revealed one song as a clear favorite of mine in recent weeks.

I had never heard of the Canadian electropop band Dragonette prior to a few months ago, but their song "I Get Around" is my number one played song of the past two months. Take a look at the low budget video below...but be warned of mild lesbianism (I can see the guys clicking on the video as quickly as possible now...just so you're not disappointed, I did say mild lesbianism)...

Alright, so the video's nothing great, but I love the retro pop sound. Had you asked me six months ago, I likely would've hated this song, but I'm probably getting corrupted by outside forces like my brother.

Below is another song of theirs - "Get Lucky" - that has quite a different sound...much more innocent and "folksy" (although not really folksy at all, but much less "electronic sounding" than the song above).

Certainly a different sound than previous "What I'm Listening To" posts have shown of my musical tastes.

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