Friday, May 22, 2009

Movie Review - Dance Flick (2009)

The first joke of this Wayans Brothers "comedy" involves a guy doing a dance move in a competition who then lifts his leg and pees on his opponent.

I was done with the movie in less than 60 seconds.

No other comments except to say that this was truly one of the worst movies I had ever seen. I didn't laugh once (there may have been one mild chuckle) and instead found myself angry at the fact that other people in the theater were laughing.

I'm not putting up any poster or talking any more about this piece of crap. Awful, awful stuff.

The RyMickey Rating: F


  1. I should download Disaster movie for you. It can't be worse than that.

  2. Also. You realize E comes before F right?

  3. No, no, no...

    And that was an incredibly quick comment, sir...I didn't even have a chance to proof the post!

  4. Hee Hee Hee! You're so right!

  5. I randomly showed up on the blizog and it was posted.
    I wasn't sitting here all night hitting refresh I swear. I was too busy finishing season 2 of Battlestar.

  6. Might I suggest a Z.

    It's what they gave us in high school when we didn't turn shit in.

  7. I can't believe you wasted your time on this. wow.
    just wow. sorry...i would have stood up in the theater and just said "I'm done!" and walked out. actually, i would've had more sense then to go see it in the first place. There are some that you just shouldn't subject yourself too. I'm sorry. I pity you since this movie is now in your memory.

  8. I pity myself, too, Gregory...

    I seriously was contemplating walking out, but it would've left my movie buddy in there all by his lonesome...and since people came up and sat down directly behind him, I thought it would've been a little awkward.

    It can only go up from there...
