Sunday, February 08, 2009

Kids can be funny sometimes...


  1. I watched it last night. And it was great. I laughed even more heartily watching the actual video than when watching/hearing your interpretation of it (this, I did not expect). Then I 'watched' the Christian Bale freak out. and laughed during that as well.

  2. I meant to ask you about that Christian Bale freak-out...The first thing I thought of when I heard it was what would Disney have done if he did that on the Newsies set?

  3. I had no idea, in fact- until a friend of mine asked, "So what's up with that Christian Bale, you must know..?" (I took this for her saying that I was crazy regarding...-perhaps not wholly unfounded, considering). I then, of course, had to find out.
    I was really disappointed that Newsies was no where to be found during my trip. So underrepresented.

    And under appreciated.

    That's the real crime here. Not the 'ballistic freak out.'

  4. He really is funny
