Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Book a Week - Pride and Prejudice

Book Three of the Book a Week Quest

Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen, 1813

I must admit that this one started out extremely rough. I was 25 pages in and I was telling myself, "This is supposed to be a fun thing you're doing here. A book a week. This is only Week Three...Are you gonna let Jane Austen be your downfall?"

Sixty pages in and I was demanding wit...I was told this was witty, so give me the wit!

However, about a third of the way through, it all kind of came together for me. I don't know if it's just because I got used to the writing style or that the story actually picked up a bit, but I zoomed through the last two-thirds of the book within the last 36 hours.

Now, I didn't love it. And I'm not psyched to read another book by Austen, but it ended up a bit better than I expected from the horrid beginning for me. I will say, though, that it felt like "school" reading this...even though it picked up, I still can't say it was a "fun" read.

I don't know if it's Austen in general or this book in particular, but I think that if you're born with a 'Y' chromosome, you're just not going to enjoy it as much as those missing that gene.

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