Monday, January 19, 2009


Don't get me wrong...I get the cultural significance of this election without a doubt...

...but is anyone else sick and tired of the nonstop love for a man who has done nothing except speak incredibly eloquently yet?  I mean, he's a smooth talker, but the concerts, Oprah screaming "in-aug-ur-ATION!" and telling me that "you can practically feel the whole country vibrating," the comparisons to Lincoln, Ruby Tuesdays staying open until midnight on Inauguration Day to "celebrate," and David Foster writing songs about "a brand new day in America" that will be "beautiful"(which really is just saying that the last eight years were like living in a trash dump)...

My immediate family knows that I haven't been a fan of W., but all the "buzz" surrounding the new guy makes me more conservative than ever before...

The New Hope hasn't done anything yet, people!  


  1. Haha, oh you and your obama bashing. Can I make fun of you if he actually proves to improve the country?

  2. If he proves to improve the country, that's great. I'm not against him, by any means. As crazy as it may sound coming from a Republican, I want him to succeed (why would we as a country want any of our presidents to fail?).

    I just have my doubts...

    And this post was by no means about was really about the media's lovefest with the guy. Seriously, I was literally yelling in the house on Monday on multiple occasions about how much I couldn't stand the coverage.
